We process all our invoices electronically. We hope that you only use e-invoices instead of paper invoices. Using e-invoices speeds up billing process and saves expenses.
We also accept paper invoices:
Apetit Ruoka Oy paper invoices will be accepted:
Apetit Kasviöljy Oy paper invoices will be accepted: .
Apetit Plc paper invoices will be accepted:
Apetit Plc |
003701973955 |
Apetit Oyj / Invoices |
Apetit Ruoka Oy
Apetit Ruoka Oy / Invoices
Apetit Kasviöljy Oy |
003709899489 |
Apetit Kasviöljy Oy / Invoices |
All invoices should include name of the orderer and possible order number as a reference.
Company | IBAN | CURR | BIC | Bank |
Apetit Plc
FI88 5000 0120 2183 09
OP Corporate Bank plc
Apetit Ruoka Oy
FI52 5000 0120 2779 33
OP Corporate Bank plc
Apetit Kasviöljy Oy
FI17 5000 0120 1491 65
OP Corporate Bank plc