At Apetit, responsibility runs through the entire value chain, from field to fork. For us, a responsible food supply chain means sustainable practices throughout our operations and safe, high-quality products made from ingredients that are grown sustainably.

In our own operations, we focus on reducing our climate impact, especially by investing in renewable energy solutions and developing energy and material efficiency.

In our products, we rely on domestic plant-based food solutions and their development, growing a product range based on local fish, and sustainable and appropriate packaging solutions.

Climate impacts of food

Primary production and the food industry carry out continuous development work to reduce the environmental and climate impacts of food production. Food production and food consumption cause approximately one fifth of the carbon footprint, or climate impacts, of all consumption. Plant-based products have generally low carbon footprint.

Apetit determined the environmental footprint of its favourite products. The study analysed the carbon footprint, eutrophication effect and water footprint of the products.

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Sustainable food choices

Apetit determined the environmental footprint of our selected products. This is how one meal’s climate impacts arise – a carbon footprint of 0.46 kg of CO2 equivalent with negative eutrophication effect.

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At 2023
Sustainable actions

– 74 percent of the energy was from renewable sources.

–The energy solution that enables heat recovery and use of biogas at Apetit’s Säkylä frozen foods plant was deployed in summer 2023.

– 77 percent of the packaging of Apetit products that end up with consumers is recyclable material.

–  In 2023, 19 % of the fish we used was local domestic fish.

– Research including cultivation and variety tests at the Räpi experimental farm continues, especially with studies on domestic pulses.

– Apetit was a driving force in the establishment of RypsiRapsi-foorumi, the goal of which is to promote the cultivation of rapeseed and its profitability in Finland.

Apetit's corporate responsibility report

Apetit’s integrated annual and responsibility report

Download the report
Well-being from vegetables

We want to promote sustainable food choices: we provide sustainably grown and prepared foods and raw materials, and we develop a value chain where people and the environment do well. About 95 percent of the raw materials used by Apetit for its frozen products are of vegetable-based.

Every year, about 140 Finnish Apetit contract growers produce over 30 million kilos of clean, responsibly grown food for us. In 2023, 83% of all the food raw-materials we used in our frozen products were domestic.

Read more about our contract growing
Climate impacts

We have reduced our own direct climate impacts (Scope 1&2) by 68 per cent from comparison year 2019. We use electricity generated by wind power in all our factories. We aim for 75% emission reductions by 2025.

Apetit improved its result in CDP Climate Change evaluation and reached score B.

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Räpi experimental farm

The aim of the Räpi experimental farm’s R&D activities is to develop natural cultivation methods that also support the preservation of biodiversity on Finnish fields where field vegetables are grown.

Read more about Räpi experimental farm
Corporate responsibility at Apetit

Apetit’s corporate responsibility consists of concrete actions taken at different stages of the company’s value chain to ensure responsible and sustainable food production. Indeed, sustainable actions is one of the strategic choices in Apetit’s strategy.

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Corporate responsibility programme

we want to promote sustainable food choices: we offer sustainably grown and produced food products and ingredients while developing a value chain that supports the well-being of people and the environment.

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Partner for the Finnish farmer

Apetit is strongly integrated to Finnish primary production. Apetit wants to be the best partner to Finnish grower both in oilseed products and frozen foods and vegetables. Agriculture and the food industry provide employment to roughly 340,000 people in Finland.

More domestic fish

In 2023, 19 % of the fish we used was local domestic fish. The amount of phosphorus removed from the nutrient chain by two bags of Apetit Baltic Sea Fish Fingers would grow roughly one kilo of algae in the sea if left in the water.

Sustainable packaging solutions

The degree of recyclability of Apetit’s product packaging increased in 2023 when recyclable packaging was introduced in new product groups. The change increased the use of recyclable packaging materials by more than 22,000 kilos annually.

Starting from 2023, Apetit has been gradually switching to PEFC-certified paperboard in different product groups.

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– At the end of 2023, Apetit had 338 employees, all of whom worked in Finland.
– One of the most important goals of personnel development is ensuring sufficient and appropriate capabilities.

Safety at work

– All occupational accidents and severe near misses in Apetit Group are investigated internally.

– Apetit seeks to reduce the risk of accidents and illnesses in a proactive manner, especially through appropriate job-specific instructions and personal protective equipment.

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