Apetit’s net impacts

Apetit balances the use of environmental resources with positive impact on health

Apetit Group analyzed the value and net impacts it creates in cooperation with Upright. The net impact model utilizes scientific articles and machine learning to summarize how products, services, and companies impact the environment, health of people, society as well as creation and distribution of knowledge.

Value creation model shows what resources a company uses and what it creates for society. Net impact model assess the balance of value creation: what is the ratio of the resources used by an enterprise and the disadvantages of its operations to the benefits and commodities it produces.

Apetit Group’s net impacts score was analyzed to be +1.4. For example, the Nasdaq Helsinki companies as a whole got net score of +1.2 (in January 2021).

Environment (-1.0)

All businesses cause some emissions. Apetit has a moderate negative environmental impact, caused for example from agricultural emissions, generation of used energy, packaging materials and waste generated.

Apetit also inherits some of the emissions from animal husbandry through its feed grain products.

Health (+2.1)

Apetit’s largest positive impact is its contribution to health. Vegetables have an overwhelmingly positive effect within diet and well-being impacts. Frozen pizzas and processed grains are known to cause negative impacts within these categories. The health effects of vegetable oils are considered to be positive. Eating can also be a social and enjoyable activity, which shows as a positive impact within meaning & joy.

Society (+0.9)

Within society, Apetit contributes through providing employment and paying taxes.

Knowledge (-0.5)

Negative impact is a result of scarce human capital, which illustrates the opportunity cost of scarcely available human capital. In Apetit’s case the use of this resource is modest.


A more detailed and regularly updated Apetit net impact profile on Upright’s website.