The Apetit Group Code of Conduct guides operations in all Group business segments. Apetit requires that all of its employees comply with the Code of Conduct.
Apetit complies with current legislation and regulations.
Apetit commits to respect generally recognized human rights and the rights stipulated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Apetit promotes
• the equal treatment of its employees and the fostering of a good working atmosphere
• the broad use and development of its employees’ expertise
• open and participatory interaction to improve the company
• the development of a varied and rich personnel structure
Apetit respects the human dignity, privacy and rights of all of its employees and will not tolerate any kind of discrimination, threats, harassment or insults in the workplace.
Apetit complies with international standards of working life to prevent the use of child labour. Apetit does not accept any form of forced labour or other infringements of human rights.
Apetit honours freedom of association and employees’ freedom to organise themselves professionally.
Apetit complies with current legislation and collective agreements.
Apetit provides safe working conditions and systematically develops occupational safety.
Apetit has identified the environmental and climate impacts of its value chain and develops its operations to reduce adverse environmental effects and promote the sustainable use of natural resources in the subject areas identified as material.
Apetit expects all of our employees to comply with this Code of Conduct.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the Code is generally known, for monitoring implementation with it and for providing related guidance in their areas of responsibility.
Management is responsible for compliance with the Code of Conduct.
At Apetit, any employee or third party can contact a supervisor, CEO or an anonymous reporting channel to report non-compliance with ethical principles without fear of negative sanctions. Instructions on submitting a report can be found in the company intranet and on its website.
Action taken in violation of the Code of Conduct will be appropriately investigated and necessary measures will be taken.
Apetit employees are always expected to act in the interest of the company. Personnel members must refrain from business relationships that may lead to conflicts of interest. Apetit employees must avoid situations that are in conflict or may be construed to be in conflict with the personal and business interests of the employee.
Apetit’s employees may not use their position or information they have gained though their position or the employer’s assets to seek personal gain.
Apetit and its employees may not make direct or indirect bribes or give other benefits that may be construed as bribes to gain or maintain business, nor will they seek official decisions or services that are beneficial to them through illegal means.
Gifts exceeding the value of 50 euros may not be accepted. When a person is invited on a trip, travel and accommodation will be paid by the employer. Apetit employees may accept reasonable hospitality that is related to their work. Any exceptions to the above require the consent of the Group CEO.
Apetit expects that all of its suppliers commit to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct, based on these ethical principles.
Apetit treats its suppliers, partners and all of its stakeholders fairly and equally.
The Code of Conduct has been confirmed by the Apetit Plc’s Board of Directors on 17 December 2024.
Apetit Group’s Operating Policy