Apetit invests strongly in cooperation with Finnish primary production and sources almost 80 per cent of all of the food raw materials used in its frozen vegetables and frozen foods directly from its contract growers. Apetit aims to maximise the amount of domestic raw materials used in oilseed products. The procurement of both domestic and foreign oilseed plants primarily takes place through grain intermediaries.
In Finland, Apetit sources raw-materials not only from its contract growers, but also from fishermen and other producers. Apetit makes purchases mainly from low-risk countries. Apetit requires all its suppliers to know its value chain. Apetit prefers long-term partnerships with its suppliers. Raw materials for oilseed products are sourced only from low-risk countries.
In its sourcing responsibility principles, Apetit has defined the statements required from suppliers regarding the management and realisation of social and environmental responsibility.
Apetit evaluates procurement-related human rights risks and fulfillment of social responsibility through GLOBALG.A.P. risk country classification, third-party audits and risk assessments based on self-evaluation surveys for suppliers.
The supplier requirements cover both the suppliers’ own operations and their value chain. Apetit Group requires that its suppliers commit to the principles of ethical, social and environmental responsibility documented in the Group’s supplier requirements. Apetit Group’s ethical supplier requirements are based on the guidelines of the UN’s Global Compact initiative.